Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My Funny Valentine

Kenny Powers

Krusty the Clown


Henry's hair

Time for a haircut! We had snapped a little bit of it off after Christmas, but decided to chop a bit more off this time. Daddy manned the scissors. I was too scared!

Check him out! Looking even more like a big boy now. Stylin' and profilin'....

This picture is not the best, but he was so happy to open up his Valentines care package from Gee-maw and Grandpa! A new recordable story book, animal crackers, goldfish, and Reeses peanut butter hearts (those were for me). He got some special money to put in his piggy bank from Nana and Gramps and a card that he carries around with him everywhere. You see, it has a picture of a bulldozer AND a dump truck on it, so it's pretty much the best thing ever.

Here's his Valentine's gift from Mommy and Daddy. A bicycle to practice on!

Cheesing it up at his 15 month old appointment. This is his picture taking smile.

I figure he's old enough now to start contributing. I've started putting him to work in the yard.


Lyndsey, Marc, Henry, and Betsy

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