Monday, February 7, 2011

A Laugh a Minute

Ok, I can officially say that 15 months is my favorite age! You can take that to the bank.

Marc and I laugh everyday with all the new things this boy is doing. He never fails to crack us up with his antics.

This boy cannot get enough of his books! I'll tell him to go bring me a book and he will go to his toy box and bring me one of his favorites. Lately, it's this book he got for Christmas called Trucks, Tractors, Diggers, and Dumpers. I have it memorized. He just grins from ear to ear after I turn every page. What is it about boys and construction vehicles?

We've had a few warmer days around here lately. By warmer, I mean 50 degrees. We've been taking advantage of it and running around the backyard.

Kisses! I just got my first kissy ever today. I know it's strange, but before that he only liked to kiss his Dad's shoe when he got home from work. He would do it like 3 times in a row like he was a royal servant or something.

Posing for the ladies. "You ladies come here often?"

Running around Mom's office. He is always moving these days!

Discovery Place for Kids at the water table. I think he's saying "Wow" here. One of his favorite words!
He's also saying:
- Dada
- Mama
- Go
- No
- Hi and Bye
- Si, short for Betsy

"Yo Gabba Gabba! Yo Gabba Gabba!" He loves the theme song to that show and starts dancing when it comes on. His dancing skills are off the chart lately. Any time a song comes on, he is moving. He is especially partial to the Ipad song and Jennifer Hudson's Weight Watchers anthem "Feelin' Good". He's got soul!

Getting ready for nite-nite with Dad!

Henry likes to fall asleep with things in his hands. This night was pretzels. Sometimes it's toothbrushes, pieces of fake food, or Ritz crackers. Do not try to hand him a stuffed animal or a blankie. He will throw it. He wants random objects.

Lyndsey, Marc, Henry, & Betsy
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