Friday, September 11, 2009

Chubby cheeks!

Can't wait to squeeze those juicy cheeks! Look at those pouty lips too! He's sleeping in these pictures. He was awake at the beginning of the ultrasound, but just could not stay awake for his big photo shoot.
He is weighing right at 6lbs 5oz and is measuring a little bit ahead, with a 10/10 due date instead of 10/13 now. He's in the 59th percentile for weight at this stage, so he will not be a huge 13lb gestational diabetes baby.....I'm breathing a sigh of relief at that!
If he continues gaining about a 1/2 a pound a week like they say, he'll probably be about 8 to 8 and a 1/2lbs. A little chub, love it!

Lyndsey, Marc, baby, & Betsy

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