Wednesday, September 2, 2009

34 Weeks!

Here's the latest & greatest bump pic at 34 weeks! Not much longer now. We had our latest doctor's appt. this past Monday and all looks well. The baby has turned and is no longer in the breech position, yay! Hopefully, he'll stay that way. His heartbeat is perfect and he is moving and hiccupping constantly. We have finished almost all of our classes and really just need to pack the hospital bag, buy some diapers & wipes, put in the carseat, and that's it! I'm so glad the nursery is done. I'm starting to get pretty tired now so my motivation is pretty much shot. And with everyday comes a new & fascinating symptom (Braxton Hicks, I'm talking to you) needless to say, it's starting to get interesting. And while I will take the childbirth teacher's suggestion of deep breathing, soothing music, dim lighting..etc during labor, let's just say an epidural is the plan of action!
Our last ultrasound is scheduled for next Friday, so after that we'll really have a better idea of his size and if the due date will still remain at Oct. 13th. Can't wait to see some new pictures of him in 3-D!
Have a great rest of the week!
Lyndsey, Marc, baby, & Betsy

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