Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Miss Lily Belle is here!

Wow, having a baby sure does throw off your blog writing!  I'm currently sitting here in a spit-up stained tshirt and no pants.  I don't remember why I'm not wearing pants but this is how it goes these days.  I'm trying to roll with it.  My babies are bathed though!  Needless to say, the most crucial decision of my day is whether to shower or nap, so the blog has been on hiatus.  The nap ALWAYS wins.  I need to make sure and write things down or I know I'll forget.  Hence the pants.

Miss Lily Belle Maldoff is 2 months old and I'm just now getting around to writing about her.  She is such a joy!  Lily is starting to smile and coo and her little personality is starting to show, so it's been very rewarding for me.  For a while, I was only getting pooped on so I deserve some smiles!
I'm not sure how I got so lucky (don't want to jinx it) but she is so chill.  And I'm not sure if that's because we're so much more relaxed this go round or if she is just that good.  Maybe it's also having her in the summertime....I swear I was taking her out with Henry when she was just 2 weeks old. 

She does love to be held.  My baby carrier has been put to use, especially when it's just me with Henry and Lily out and about.  She loves to snuggle with me in bed (I was too nervous to bring Henry in the bed), so maybe that's another reason why she's so happy! 
I have never seen a baby enjoy a bath so much too.  What a girl!  Loves to be clean and wear pretty outfits. 
At her 2 month check up, she was in the 50th percentile for height and 90th for weight.  A little chunker! 
Lily has the most beautiful blue eyes and crazy black mohawk hair.  Where in the world did that come from?  Oh wait, me.  I dye my hair to match my son's.  As my sister put it, "The Schroeder is strong in that one."  She looks exactly like Henry did at this age, but her features are more delicate and she's got her daddy's small head.  I think she looks more like her Marc right now overall, but she changes everyday.

Henry has adjusted fairly well.  The first two weeks, he ignored her and didn't want anything to do with her.  Not in a mean way.  He's just a boy and didn't really care.  He finally asked to hold her one day and he has loved her ever since!  He lavishes her with his blankies (sometimes over her head...I can't leave them alone together) and shows her his toys and tries to pick her up (again, I have to watch him).

Having two home with me at the same time has definitely been an adjustment.  It is so much harder than I thought it would be!  But very rewarding.  And full.  When I lay my head down at night, I definitely feel like I've put in a full day!
But I am learning and gradually we're getting into a routine.  As much of a routine as you can with two little ones. 
  • I have learned the art of surviving the witching hour from 4 to 6pm.  Coffee, beer, or wine depending on how the day has been.
  • It's best not to need to be anywhere in the morning at a certain time. 
  • Now is not the time to be potty training.  I knew it was time to stop when I grabbed a squatting Henry out of his room and made a beeline for the bathroom only to have him poop in mid-air.  I was in mid-stride, so yes I did kick the poop with my bare foot.  And yes, it did explode into pieces and splatter all over the bathroom floor.  And yes, my immediate thought was that I was glad I was on the tile floor.  Not for concern over my foot.  Yes, time to stop.  Do these things only happen to me?
  • The crockpot is my friend.
  • Tantrums are best worked out in their own good time with no interference from me.
  • When both of the kids take a nap at the same time, the heavens are shining down from above.  LAY DOWN.
  • Calling friends to chat, even if it's just for 5 minutes, helps so much.  Staying at home with two littles that can't have adult conversation can be isolating.  I can only talk about construction equipment so much.
  • Meeting up with friends and kids is even better.  We've had a lot of play dates.
  • Going to try on clothes when you are not your ideal size is not a good idea when you do get that rare hour to yourself.  But I can't wait to get some colored jeans!  And I only have 8lbs to lose.  YES!!  Ok, that was my bragging moment.
  • The dishes can always wait till morning. 
  • Taking care of one kid at a time in the easiest thing in the world.  Why did I think having only Henry was hard? 
And it is now my bedtime of 9pm and I must stop.  Next post, I'll write about Miss L's birth story.  This might be when she's a year old but it will happen.  Please excuse if this writing is poor quality.  I fear my brain may be gone forever!  And I'm finally reading Fifty Shades, which is not helping.  Ha!


1 comment:

Michelle said...

Awesome! Love to hear your thoughts about having two...I really had that same thought so many times, "why did I think having one was so hard again???" But you are doing sooo well!!! She is such a cutie, too.