Monday, March 28, 2011

Mr. Chatterbox

It's official. I no longer live with a chubby little caveman. It used to be all grunts all the time at our house. "Ugh" and pointing was the norm.

Not now!

While Henry was playing in the sandbox the other day at Discovery Place, Marc and I just started counting all the words he's saying. We got up to 20! Mind you, most of these words are gibberish that only Marc and I probably understand, but they still count!

List of some of Henry's new words:

- Juice

- Cheese

- Book

- Truck

- Go

- Whoa

- Thank you (tan too)

- Bath

- Coffee (cof) Yes...I drink a lot of coffee!

- Hot

- Fish

- Animal sounds- Moo, Meow, Bock Bock (Chicken sound)

- Tractor (tr tor)

- Cracker

- Ball

- Cookie

- Balloon

Henry loves the sandbox! He simply cannot be bothered while he is in there. There is too much work that needs to be done.

This is the sweet face I see when I turn around at stoplights. I think my heart just exploded. He wanted to look cool on our trip to Target and wear his tattoo sleeves.

The weather was beautiful here this weekend. Marc had to work Sunday afternoon, but we decided to head to Birkdale to catch some rays and do a little shopping. He loved running around the middle courtyard. And when I say running, I mean running. He was sprinting!

Running around the circle!

Henry has been such a sweet boy lately. He is so smiley and you can can just see his mind working as he starts understanding more and more. I love him so much!!



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