Monday, November 21, 2011

Junk in the Trunk

Look at that booty!

I dare you not to smile looking at this photo.

Somewhere, Kim Kardashian is seething with jealousy.

Song lyrics are inspired by butts like this. Apple Bottom Jeans, Honky Tonk Badonkadonk, Baby Got Back, Shake Your Booty, Rump Shaker...the list goes on.

I know there is a diaper in there, but there is something behind it, let me tell ya.

And he did not get it from me. I have been trying to get a butt my entire life. My legs just flow right into my torso with no stopping point.

I know I talk about my child's size frequently. How me, being the delicate flower I am, birthed this beast of a man-child, I will never know. C'mon. Y'all know I am delicate. I am. Really.

I would have it no other way. The hugs and snuggles are so much sweeter with more to love on.

Today, I am thankful for this juicy little rump roast.

And many other larger things, like the food on our plates, the roof over our heads, and our health. And our family and friends. And our jobs and financial stability in this tough economy.

But today, I am thinking about the little things that make me smile and shoot a prayer of thanksgving to the man upstairs.

Yep, today it's the booty and the sweet hunk of love it belongs to.



1 comment:

The Palmer Fam said...

Ahh Lynds you always make me smile!