Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Birds of a Feather

We kicked it family style this past Saturday and took a trip to the Carolina Raptor Center. Considering the zoo is almost an hour and a half away and the Raptor Center is ten minutes, we chose the Raptor Center. It was either that or the Loch Norman Scottish Highland Games. I have wanted to go for years, but I got out voted. Men in kilts? Celtic music? Sheep herding? What's not to love?

The Raptor Center was actually quite fun. We saw some of the cutest little owls you would ever see. They had a big bald eagle exhibit with baby bald eagles. I'm not really a bird person (or animal person really, don't tell Betsy) but it was a fun way to spend an afternoon.

This was right after he bit the dust breaking into a full sprint on the gravel path. I used my sweet, non-existent photo editing skills to try and remove the red spot from his forehead. Hence the skills, some pictures have the red spot and some don't.

And who is this guy with the kind eyes blocked by the attractive metal fencing?

I knew I liked this bird for a reason.


This is his thinking stance.

"The thinker, or the stinker?"- Name that SNL skit. Ding, ding! Will Ferrell skit where he's the nude model with hygiene issues.

I fell in love with this bird. I don't remember what kind she was. I was too busy looking at her beautiful feathers. She's just so stately.

Everyday after work, we spend at least an hour in the backyard playing and chatting. Henry was in a particularly rambunctious mood this day. This was after a trip to the grocery store where I turned around to grab a can of spaghetti sauce and turned back and he had taken off his shoe and thrown it at a lady shopping. "Who throws a shoe, honestly?"

He likes dirt. 'Nuf said.

Thinking stance part deux.

He sees something he likes. A mower, a squirrel, neighbor kids....it could be anything. The wheels are turning. If I cry, maybe Mom will open the gate and let me out?? Commence tantrum in 3-2-1...

And go! It's not all fun my friends.

Off to Texas in 2 days for Easter weekend! Can't wait to see the fam!



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