Tuesday, October 19, 2010

How Bout Them Apples

I tried to get Henry attached to a paci. He picked his thumb.

I tried to get Henry attached to the special teething giraffe that all the magazines talk about. He picked a wet rag.
I tried to get Henry attached to a stuffed animal or a blankie. He picked apple cores.

He is obsessed with chewing on apple cores. This occupies him for an hour at a time, no joke. He will carry the apple core with him around the house. We gave him one last night and I thought we would have to put him to bed with it. He cried real tears when we took it away.

Thanks to mom and Marie for the great tip. It is a miracle worker.

This picture cracks me up. For some reason, I just picture him saying "Would you like to try my apple core?" in a Forrest Gump voice. "They's my magic apples. Mama said they'd take me anywhere!"


Lyndsey, Marc, Henry, and Betsy


Kellye Arning said...

I've never tried that! I'm thinking baby Chase might dig the apple core as well. Stay tuned...

The Carpenter's said...

too funny! :) best teething thing ever!