Monday, October 12, 2009

Are we there yet??

In about two hours from now, it will be my D-day. So close.......yet, so don't know when this baby is going to want to make his appearance. I'm trying to be patient and think about other things but at this point, it's getting pretty impossible to do that. Mom and Ash are helping me to keep a good attitude and stay upbeat and focused on the prize. Well, all the cooking they've been doing isn't hurting either! Oh, banana bread how I love you. And my necessary hour long siestas everyday. Better take advantage of that while I can!

We had an ultrasound today just to make sure everything looks ok and all is progressing just fine. He looks to be about 7lbs 12oz and is in the 56th percentile at this point. The pics were a little hard to make out at this point since everything is so scrunched up. We had fun playing "guess the body part" on the ultrasound screen. Oh, wait that looks like his hands (no, that's his liver). Oh, look at his spine (no, that's his ribs).
Since I'm not high risk and everything looks healthy, they are not willing to induce till at least this coming Sunday or Monday. We are praying that I will go into labor naturally and soon!

Mom and I took a little day trip up to Blowing Rock on Friday. It was so pretty with the fall foliage just starting to peek out.

For our 3rd anniversary, Marc got us a sweet Flip video camera. It is so easy even I can use it :) Can't wait to take some home movies. Just not in the delivery room, seriously.

We'll keep everybody updated on any news. Next time I post should be THE DAY!
Lyndsey, Marc, baby, and Betsy

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