So, Henry is now 5 years old and just starting kindergarten! See, he's thinking really hard about it!
Nah, that's just about how long it's been since I've updated this thing.
Between Fripp Island vacation, my sister's wedding in Texas, and 2 insane presentations at work...the past 2 months have been jam-packed! And they have taken their toll.
Here are events from the past week that have led me to believe Henry has stolen my brain for good.
- I lose my car keys at least a couple times a week. I used to get mad at my Dad for always losing his keys, but my behavior seems to be following a genetic family pattern.
- I throw away mail that according to Marc, is "important". These include bills, urgent notices, and the like. I have absolutely no memory of doing this. I just know that I don't like paper laying around.
- I left the lights on in my car and the battery went dead.
- I made one of my favorite pies, a banana and white chocolate pudding pie made with the jello mix. This pie consists of only 5 ingredients- banana, the jello mix, graham cracker crust, whipped cream, and milk. Somehow in my intense cooking session of mixing together these many ingredients, I somehow decided that water would be a good substitute for milk. Needless to say, it was a low-fat delicious treat (it was actually not bad, kind of runny though). Water pie, what a delight!!
- I've locked myself out of the house a couple times. We've got to be real good friends with our neighbors.
My question is this- will my brain ever come back? Is mommy brain a condition for life? Most of the time I feel like Elaine in that Seinfeld episode where she is clapping like an idiot at the tire going round and round. Hey, I might not be smart anymore, but at least I'm happy!
Henry is almost 9 months already! He looks like such a big boy now, especially when he's wearing his mesh shorts and tshirts like his daddy. His 9 month appointment is coming up so I don't know his exact stats yet, but he's fitting into 12 month size clothes and 18 month in some tshirts. He is just such a happy boy. He has never met a stranger and loves to charm everybody with his shiny two teeth grin when we're out in public.
Some funny things I always want to remember about this time....
- He loves to sit on the floor and rub his ankles together at a furious pace. He looks like he's starting a fire!
- He's not crawling yet, but he is starting to scoot. He likes to get to the hardwood floor and bang his rings on the floor and just bang on the floor with his hands.
- Betsy is constant entertainment for him. Seeing Betsy eat a treat usually makes him bust out laughing.
- Remote controls have become an obsession. We've even given him an old remote to play with, but he is not interested. Everytime he's in control of it, we either end up on Telemundo or the Adult Movies on Demand channel. I'm not going to start worrying yet.
- He is saying "Dada", "Mama", and "Neenee", but I'm not sure he knows what they mean. I also don't know who "Neenee" is. Maybe he's talking in the 3rd person and saying "Henry"? He's also learned how to scream and growl. Super talkative, this kid.
- If a toy or a person goes out of his viewpoint, he will peek around and try to find them. This is just so adorable to watch.
- He still enjoys "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star", but has graduated to "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and loves the Sound of Music song- especially the "Fa- a long, long way to run" part. Don't ask me why. As far as popular songs, he still enjoys a little Rihanna "So Hard" and all Black-Eyed Peas songs.
- Bathtime is so fun for him now. He loves playing with all his toys and cups, especially his blowfish.
All the latest pics have been uploaded to FB. Hope to have some more soon. Did I mention I lost the camera battery charger?
Lyndsey, Marc, Henry, and Betsy