So, between the holidays, a wicked bout of mastitis (you moms know what this is), a cold, and taking care of little Henry, I decided to take a blogging break. It's hard to keep up with all this technology I tell ya! It's enough to just put on a shirt that doesn't have a spit up stain on it.
Our little boy is already almost 3 months old! Here is his 2 month pic in his crib....really more like 2 and a half months by the time I took it.

At his 2 month appt. he weighed 13lbs, 4 oz and was 23 inches tall. That puts him in the 75th percentile for weight and 50th for height. And as Barney would say on "How I Met Your Mother"...."wait for it"...........95th percentile for head size! I knew he would have a gigantor Schroeder head! For those of you who don't know, us Schroeders all have huge heads. I allow Marc one crack about my head size a month and if he goes over that, it's on. These usually involve how my head is too big to fit in most hats. He really needs to get some new material.
So, Christmas was of course, fabulous! We spent some good quality time at home and Henry was a champ on both of the plane rides. He got so many presents from Santa and his elves (aka Gee-Maw, Grandpa, Nana, and Gramps). A Bumbo chair, a Rainforest jumper, an Exersaucer, tons of adorable Baby Gap clothes...the list goes on! Over Christmas, he really discovered his hands and started to turn on his side. He also started smiling and cooing a lot more. My favorite memories of our first Christmas together are us dancing and singing in the kitchen to Christmas songs. We had such a good time at home together bonding during the Christmas break.

We spent New Years over at our buddy Jim's house with all of our Skybrook peeps. Henry and Ian had a blast hanging out together as you can see. Ehh.....give em a few more months and maybe they'll both be awake at the same time. Marc and I barely hung in there till midnight. This was the week we transitioned Henry from sleeping in the infant car seat to his crib. Um yeah, there were some sleep-deprivation induced crying jags.....from Marc. Aw, I'm just joshing.

My hair looks really awesome in this picture.

Henry is getting more and more fun each day. We got his first belly laugh this past week from fart noises no less. Typical boy. He rolled over this past week too. Who knew he was so close? He hadn't even been going on his side as much and all of a sudden he worked up some crazy momentum and flopped right on over. Of course, he was very tired after this and promptly needed an hour nap. I'll post more pics in my next update!
Lyndsey, Marc, Henry, and Betsy